Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 11/14/21  

Sermon Title :
  Hearing Leads to Believing
Praise and Worship          

       One of the most important things that we notice in the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ is how various people responded to Him. As Jesus heals people, casts out demons, and teaches God’s word, people are paying attention and hearing the accounts. People of different backgrounds seek Him out for healing for themselves and their loved ones. Many of those that hear of Jesus and His works, are also seeking something to make their lives make sense in an evil world. These seekers look for Jesus because they know that He is the answer to their questions and their troubles.

Seeing this happen in the ministry of Jesus Christ, reminds believers why it is so important that we share the teachings of Jesus and the real impact that He has in our personal lives and our Christian experiences. There are many who need the power of Jesus in their lives, so that they may come to know God and the power of His Spirit in their lives. Our words of faith and our experiences in Jesus lead to the hearing and then the believing in Jesus, our Father God, and the Holy Spirit. The believing will lead to living the truth of Jesus Christ.