Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 11/21/21  

Sermon Title :
  In God’s Given Faith to Us, Seek to Know Jesus
Praise and Worship          

       In last week’s sermon, we learned how our words of faith and our experiences in Jesus lead to the hearing and then the believing in Jesus, our Father God, and the Holy Spirit. The believing will lead to living the truth of Jesus Christ. This week we learn of a Roman centurion who has charge over Roman occupied Capernaum. He is seeking Jesus because of what he has heard about Jesus from all that Jesus has done in healing and saving the people in Capernaum. What we will learn is that this centurion has been looking for God and now he will come to know Jesus in seeking the healing of his servant, whom he loved. His seeking Jesus is indeed his response to the faith that God has given to him. He seeks to know Jesus and the power of Jesus in his life and in the life of his servant.