Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 11/22/20  

Sermon Title :
  Only Jesus
Praise and Worship          

       How would you feel if you have been so disabled that you could not walk for 38 years? Then one day as you wait by the pool at Bethesda, waiting to be helped into healing waters. The angel has not stirred the waters for healing yet and no one has offered to help you into the pool before someone passes you for the healing. Then a stranger tells you to get up, take up your bed and walk. You do not question what He says because of the power with which He speaks. You are so excited and thankful, that you do what He tells you to do. You even go to the temple to give thanks to God. You would expect everyone to be happy for you and the miracle that you experienced! Not so! You are met by grumbling leaders who are angry because you carried your bed, and you were healed on the Sabbath. In fact, they want to kill the one Who healed and saved you! You now have a very vivid picture of how evil works against God’s chosen then and today. This is why the Father sent His Son Jesus to save us. We cannot be saved except that Jesus saves and heals us.