Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 11/25/18  

Sermon Title :   No More Excuses!
Praise and Worship          

        Too many Christians have so many excuses for not submitting completely to our Lord Jesus Christ. Many of us focus too much on the problems and adversities that the world has rather focusing on God, His promises and what He is doing for us every moment of every day. Through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, God has removed every possible obstacle that would keep us from Him. He even gives us clear standards and examples for what He expects from each of us in our relationships with God, our spouses, our children, and even in the workplace, as employers or employees. In every way and in every place, we are to be His witnesses and His workers. Every relationship that God blesses us with is by His design and for His holy purposes. Once believers acknowledge these truths we are truly free and filled in Him. No more excuses!