Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 12/05/21  

Sermon Title :
  To Whom Can We Go to Get the Right Answers?
Praise and Worship          

       What must it be like to dedicate and devote your whole life to a special purpose for the glory of the Lord and then to be persecuted and imprisoned for your work? Would you feel betrayed? Would you feel confused? Would you be depressed and disillusioned? Perhaps you would feel like John the Baptist who found himself in prison for his work in preparing the way for Jesus Christ.

Many people in such a situation would be going to others for some sort of explanation about what was happening. Not John.  John sent his disciples to Jesus Christ with his questions to get answers from the only one who could answer his questions. This is a powerful example to us about what to do when we are in despair or amid our battles for the Lord. Only the Lord can answer our questions and doubts with real answers and true evidence of His purpose and His works. Only the Lord supplies all our needs and blesses us. His answers and His truth are all that we will need to complete our work and our journey in Him. Remember, the enemy has false answers for us too, that will lead to our downfall. Seek Jesus for your answers! You will always be blessed.