Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 12/06/20  

Sermon Title :
  Living Like Christ in This Broken World
Praise and Worship          

       We live in a broken world that contains good and evil. What does that mean for God’s people? We are called to be obedient and to do the Father’s will always. Some of us get confused and fearful when we are called by God to do His will. We are fearful of those who appear to have more power than we have. Or we are fearful of those who want to do us harm. Yet we have a most courageous example of how we are to respond to the call and direction of our heavenly Father. We have Jesus Christ Who the Father sent to this earth to carry out the Father’s will to save us. Jesus stood up to the powers that wanted to destroy Him because God the Father taught Him everything that He needed to know and prepared Him for the challenges ahead in His earthly ministry. Jesus truly wanted to obey and please His Father, as we should want to do. Most importantly the Father ordained Jesus and filled Him with the Holy Spirit to do amazing things. Jesus did nothing without His Father’s permission and preparation. This is truly exciting when we realize the Holy Father has done the same for each of us, His children, who come to Him and proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Listen to Jesus as He teaches us this powerful life-changing lesson in John 5.