Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 12/18/22  

Sermon Title :
  The Earthly Human Heritage of Jesus Christ
Praise and Worship          

       As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our heavenly Savior, it is important for us to know the earthly heritage into which our Savior was born. God, our Heavenly Father, and the Father of Jesus had designed His perfect plan for our salvation. God’s plan for our salvation through His perfect Son had been prophesized from the beginning of creation. He chose the Virgin who would carry and give birth to His Son, fathered by the Holy Spirit. God leaves nothing to “chance,” His plans are always perfect, even when He works them through earthly imperfect beings. Mary, a young woman who loved God, was open to how God wanted to use her for His glory. Her soon to be husband, Joseph, was directed by God to marry Mary, even though she was pregnant by Someone (the Holy Spirit) other him. He too loved God and was obedient to Him. Can God expect the same obedience and love from you that we observe in Mary and Joseph?