Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 12/19/21  

Sermon Title :
  The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Praise and Worship          

       This season and always, we are celebrating the greatest gift that our Father, God, gave to all people. God sent to us His only begotten Son to love us, to save us, and to give to each of us eternal life. As Jesus carried out His earthly ministry, He taught people how to live according to God’s word and His purpose. The people listening to and practicing what He and John the Baptist taught to them, became living examples of God’s word. Not all that heard Jesus believed and followed Him. However, there were many who heard His message as God offered through Him, but they refused Jesus. Many of the so-called Jewish leaders of that time among the Jews rejected Jesus and His teachings in the face of God: teachings by the One Who had been foretold throughout the ages. To reject Jesus is to reject salvation and eternal life.

Jesus is still teaching us and leading us from generation to generation through the Word of God and His Holy Spirit. God’s wonderful gifts of love and salvation are still available to every person on this earth through Jesus Christ. Do not make the mistake of refusing Jesus, God’s gift to all of mankind, His love and salvation that only He can give to us. He is the Gift that keeps on giving.