Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 12/20/20  

Sermon Title :
  Standing On God’s Truth
Praise and Worship          

       As the Jewish leaders accused Jesus of breaking the law, Jesus reminds them of what is the truth. The laws that they try to use to condemn Him and the man that He healed on the Sabbath had been perverted by these so-called religious leaders. Jesus does not shy away from confronting these leaders with the Truth, God’s Truth. Jesus being led by the Holy Spirit teaches them the real truth about a personal God Who is beyond the lies that they and others try to enforce to condemn and destroy God’s people. As Jesus stood and taught the truth of God, so must we all stand for and stand on God’s truth as we are always led by the Holy Spirit. As Jesus showed us, we can all recognize God’s truth and determine right from wrong, to live a Christ-like life to the glory of God, because the Holy Spirit lives in every believer and will teach us and direct us in all things.