Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 12/23/18  

Sermon Title :   God’s Promises Kept, Part 1
Praise and Worship          

       Christmas reminds us each year of how our Heavenly Father loves us so much. As we celebrate the birth on earth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we are reminded that our God is Mighty and Wonderful, fulfilling His promises to us, His children. Actually, we should celebrate this fulfillment of our Father’s promises and His Gift daily and not just one day per year. Everything that God did throughout time was to prepare for the coming of our Savior. God never lost the focus on bringing His gift of salvation and peace through His Son to His children, using all of His creation and power. He even made use of infidels as well as those who believed Him. What is most important for all of His children to know is that our God loves us and He promises to do all that will bring us into renewed and holy relationships with Him. He is not finished with us. Are you anticipating all of the promises that He made being fulfilled in you? Always, so exciting to see and to know His promises are being kept! Like the shepherds in the field that special night of Jesus’s birth, we have been given a message to carry to all of the world everyday! Jesus is Lord!