Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 12/27/20  

Sermon Title :
  Being Led by the Holy Spirit
Praise and Worship          

       John 5: 29-34 helps us to examine what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit in all that God Our Father calls us to do. Jesus tells these Jewish leaders that He can do nothing by himself. He speaks as the Son of God guided by the Holy Spirit. Everything that He says is taught and delivered to Him by God and the Holy Spirit. Faced with the hate of these people, Jesus never retreats or fears them. He just keeps telling them God’s truth. So it must be with every believer. We must walk boldly and speak boldly as God directs us, because the same Holy Spirit Who guided Jesus lives and moves in us. The Holy Spirit helps us to know truth, what is right and what is wrong. If we are not walking in the Holy Spirit we will be vulnerable to not doing what God tells us, that is why we must be led by the Holy Spirit Who is directed by God Our Father. Jesus is teaching these people in the temple, not to just follow the law, but to follow the Holy Spirit. This is a process in which we must grow daily. Israel and others suffered much, because they did not listen to God. Let us not make the same mistakes.