Over the centuries God made promises to His people, the Israelites and the Gentiles to forgive their sins and prepare a way for them to be reconciled
to Him. In reading God’s word, we see how often God’s people broke their promises to Him, but He never breaks His promises to us. Over all this time, there were those who were devoted to God and His
standards. These were righteous believers who knew that God keeps His promises because He is God, He has all power, and He cannot lie. We see the overwhelming joy of Simeon and Anna as they witness the coming of
the promised Messiah. Do you share this same joy and enthusiasm as you witness the everlasting presence of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit in you always? As you see God fulfilling His promises to us daily, do what
He requires you to do, knowing that in Christ nothing interferes with our harmonious relationship with God. God always keeps His promises to us. Keep your promises and devotion to Him.