Lesson 6


    I pray that this series of lessons on prayer has pushed and pulled you into a deeper and newer level of prayer. In addition, the growth in your prayer life has affected your life in general, plus those around you. My goal with this lesson to cause you to become closer to God and the work He has for you. You are not a mistake nor an accident that came into this world, but a plan that God had worked out for you so that you can be here to fulfill His plan so that someone else will see Him and experience His love.

    As I have been working on this lesson, God has had to deal with me on many issues. That is why I said that this lesson is a "growing" lesson because we are growing in God and understanding our role in His plan. Yes, that means we are NOT IN CONTROL, but are servants to the MASTER/KING. In this role, we have had to understand that the earth is in His kingdom and that He will give us what we need daily to complete the task(s) given us. In addition, we are required to think differently about everything and most importantly, to forgive others and ourselves as God has forgiven us. I believe that this is the hardest part of learning how to pray, because we have a tendency not to forgive even when we say we forgive. Please learn to do this for your own health physically, mentally, and spiritually. Let us move on now.

    In Matthew 6:13 we find the following words:
      13. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
            glory, for ever. Amen.
These are some strange words for a prayer when you remember verse 10. If His will is being done on earth as it is in Heaven then why do we need this verse? This is one of many question I how to answer about this verse. But before we do the question we need to know the meaning of these words in this verse.

                        LEAD = lead into, bring in {into or to}

                        TEMPTATION = trail, testing, affliction [a condition of things, or a mental state, by which we are
                        enticed to sin, or to a lapse from faith and holiness]

                        DELIVER = rescue, to draw to one’s self

                        EVIL (ONE) = that causes pain, labor, sorrow, annoyance, worthless in a physical or ethical sense

                        KINGDOM = royal power, kingship, dominion, and rule, but it goes even deeper according to
                         Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary page 344 - 345:
"The kingdom of God is (a) the sphere of God’s rule. Since, however, this earth is the scene of universal rebellion against God, the “kingdom” of God is (b) the sphere in which, at any given time, His rule is acknowledged. God has not relinquished His sovereignty in the face of rebellion, demoniac and human, but has declared His purpose to establish it. Meantime, seeking willing obedience…  In ‘Kingdom of God’, in its broader aspect, God is in antithesis to ‘man’ or ‘the world’, and the term signifies the entire sphere of God’s rule and action in relation to the world. It has a moral and spiritual force and is a general term for the Kingdom at any time. The Kingdom of Heaven is always the Kingdom of God, but the Kingdom of God is not limited to the Kingdom of Heaven, until in their final form, they become identical." (1985)

                        POWER = ability to perform anything by the power that resides in a thing by virtue of its nature

    As we look at this verse, we can see a difference from verse 10. Here we are asking God to keep us on track with the task at hand. Read Genesis 4:7. What got Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden? Please remember that the Father gave us free will and with free will comes blessings and curses. As we look back at the children of God in history, we can see that each one of them had a decision to make. Those that did not seek guidance from God had problems, which caused pain or sorrow or even both. Look at the very first time mankind did not follow the lead of God as in Genesis 3. In addition, Genesis 12: 1 – 3, shows how Abram took Lot with him against God’s direction. Lot received blessings, but ends up causing problems for Abram. Remember King Saul and what he was told to do by Samuel? Read 1 Samuel 15:1 – 35. The history of the Jewish people is full of people forgetting about the position they have with God.

    We and all of these people are not lead into temptation by God. We are lead into temptation by our own lusts or thinking that we know what is best for us and those around us, regardless of what God tells us. In fact, God had it placed in His word for us to remember and understand in several ways. Read 1 Corinthians 10:1 – 13 and as you read, listen to the words God gives Paul to say. You may have to read it a couple of times, but it is worth it. You see, the Master is ALWAYS trying to teach us to trust His ways. A great teacher will give you what you need, then places you in situations where you must make the knowledge yours, by the right attitudes and behaviors. In doing this, His word and His truth become part of you (Proverbs 1:2-6).

    Elohim has always prepared His servants/children with knowledge and warnings so that they could complete the task given them. Read what he had James to write in James 1:2 – 8 & 12 – 18.

   Therefore, when Jesus is teaching the disciples verse 13, He is really telling them in ALL things look to and talk to your Father before moving. The more we do this, the more we start thinking, living, walking, and communicating with each other, as God would have us to do. Truly, this is the only way that we can communicate with our Father in all obedience.

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